Call for Abstract

AOSPR 2024 Bali welcomes abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations, providing a platform to share the latest research and review challenging cases from around the world.

Submission Open: April 15th, 2024

Submission End: June 30th, 2024

Acceptance Notice: July 15th, 2024

Full Text and Presentation Material Submission Deadline: August 15th, 2024

Announcement for Top Submissions: Sept 16th, 2024

Additional Submission Guidelines for Accepted Abstracts

  1. Category: Oral Presentation
    – Full text:
    • Must include the title, Authors with Authors’ Information, References, and the text itself
    • Must not exceed 10 pages
    • Margins set at 2.5 cm, 1.5 line spacing
    • Font style: Times New Roman, font size 12
    • References should be limited to a maximum of 10, formatted using the Vancouver citation style
    • File must be submitted as a PDF

          – PowerPoint presentation: 

    • Must be created in a 16:9 format
    • Should be prepared for a 10-minute presentation
    • Must be exported as a PDF file
  1. Category: e-Poster
    Full text:
    • Must include the title, Authors with Authors’ Information, References, and the text itself
    • Must not exceed 10 pages
    • Margins set at 2.5 cm, 1.5 line spacing
    • Font style: Times New Roman, font size 12
    • References should be limited to a maximum of 10, formatted using the Vancouver citation style
    • File must be submitted as a PDF 

            – e-Poster:

    • Must be made on an A3 canvas size, portrait orientation
    • Minimum resolution of 300 ppi and RGB format
    • File size must not exceed 20 MB
    • Must be exported as a PDF file
    • Should be prepared for a 5-minute presentation

Reminder for Registration Payment

Before proceeding with your submission, please ensure that your registration payment is completed according to the conference category chosen during registration. This step is crucial for finalizing your participation and eligibility for presentation.

Deadline for Submission and Payment

The deadline to submit your full text and presentation materials (e-Poster/PowerPoint presentation) is August 15th, 2024, at 23:59 (GMT +8).
 Please also attach your proof of payment when submitting.

Please send all documents directly via email to

Ensure that your email subject is clearly marked as “AOSPR 2024 Abstract Submission –  [Your Name]”

Review and Recognition Process for Submissions

The submitted materials will be reviewed by our panel of adjudicators to select the top 20 submissions (10 for e-Poster and 10 for Oral Presentation) for special presentation sessions during the AOSPR 2024, which will be announced on September 16th, 2024 at the latest.

Among these 20, the top 10 submissions (5 e-Poster and 5 Oral Presentations) will have the opportunity to be published in the AOSPR Online Publication (AOfPR).

Additionally, the top 6 submissions (3 e-Poster and 3 Oral Presentations) will be awarded prizes as winners of the AOSPR 2024 Scientific Competition.

Please be aware that all submitted abstracts, regardless of selection for a formal presentation, will be displayed at the conference.

Further questions and inquiries regarding Scientific Sessions of AOSPR 2024 may be directed to